Holistic Health and Functional Medicine
Holistic Health and Functional Medicine shows us that the “why” for most chronic diseases stems from dysfunction in one (or more) of the seven major systems in our body.
The key to creating vibrant, optimal health, increasing your healthspan, and feeling younger at any age is to support all seven systems. These systems are all connected, so having dysfunction in one system can cause downstream effects into other systems. Below each section we list our products that support the system. It is no mistake that these products overlap in the systems they benefit.
How do we become healthy at any age?
A holistic/systems-based approach:
- Digestive system and gut flora: Focus on removing the things that damage your gut, like ultra-processed, sugary and starchy foods, damaged fats, environmental toxins, unnecessary medications, stress, etc. and adding in the things that heal your gut, like prebiotic and fiber-rich foods (non-starchy veggies and whole fruits), fermented foods, probiotics, and L-glutamine.
- Immune and inflammatory system: Create a healthy inflammation status and immune response by limiting the things that cause chronic inflammation, like dairy, sugar, and gluten, chronic stress, toxic overload, and food sensitivities/allergies and adding in the things that support immune health, like colorful, organic vegetables, quality protein, plenty of healthy fats, wild-caught/low mercury fish (salmon, sardines, anchovies, etc.), high-quality fish oil, vitamin C, and vitamin D.
- High Potency, Pure Algae Oil - Omega 3 Supplement
- Organic Activated Charcoal Capsules
- Activated Charcoal Powder
- Detoxification system: Make sure your body’s ability to remove waste and toxins is supported by reducing the amount of toxic exposure through limiting plastics, BPA-lined cans, artificial chemicals, unnatural ingredients, additives, artificial fragrances, etc. Support your body’s detoxification system by drinking plenty of water, sweating often through exercise and sauna, eating cruciferous vegetables, and having consistent bowel movements.
- Organic Activated Charcoal Capsules
- Activated Charcoal Powder
- Bentonite Clay, Food Grade
- Charcoal Detox Bar
- Shampoo Bar
- Energy system: Support your mitochondria (the energy-creating organelles in your cells) by eating whole, real foods, loading your plate with colorful vegetables, and eating anti-inflammatory foods, healthy fats, and MCT oil.
- Communications systems (includes your hormones, neurotransmitters, and more): Focus on lifestyle factors like eating plenty of healthy fats, limiting stress, increasing enjoyable activities (hobbies, creative outlets, connection with friends, building relationships, etc.), limiting processed and refined foods, and adding extra support like MCT oil, magnesium, and vitamin D.
- Transport system (includes your lymph and vascular system): Keep your transport system moving by exercising often, sweating frequently, getting a massage, dry brushing, and adding support like CoQ10, high-quality fish oil, and L-carnitine.
- Structural system (includes your cells, muscles, bones, organs, and tissues): Keep your body healthy by eating whole, real foods, moving daily, limiting stress, increasing enjoyment, building relationships and connection, incorporating play, and relaxation.
This might sound like a lot, but remember: these systems are interconnected—when you support one system, often the other systems improve too. And the factors that affect these systems most significantly are the ones most readily at our fingertips.
In fact, there are places in the world–termed “Blue Zones”–where the geography, diet, culture, and lifestyle unintentionally support these systems. People living in the Blue Zones tend to share a few important things in common: they eat wild, colorful, whole food that they often forage themselves, their lifestyles are active by nature, they have strong communities and relationships, and they experience minimal stress.
With all that being said, the fastest and easiest way to reset your system and start new habits is with a water fast. You literally eliminate everything while detoxing and your body goes into a deep state of regeneration/repair. People are amazed by how good they feel during and after their fast. Our bodies will always prioritize digestion over healing, so once we have a healthy store (body fat) it is our responsibility to stop consuming and give our bodies time to heal. If you're always eating, you aren't giving your body the time it needs to fully heal and properly eliminate toxins that are building up. Fasting is something that most animals experience in nature. It is normal to go days, weeks, months or even years between meals! It is not normal to eat every day, especially multiple times a day. Fasting is always easier in a group and fortunately for you, we have a community that is ready to support you in your journey to vibrant health and wellbeing!